Notes & Combos
Really fun and unqiue take on the sky striker/fiendsmith formula (depending on where this ends up, . Not the easiest climb in the world, mostly because of anti-meta decks to be honest, but I found a lot of success when actually going against meta matchups (snake-eye/azamina piles).
I've really really liked into the void, just playing a 37 card deck is really nice, in testing they used to be maxx c/fuwa but I've honestly had more frustration with those cards than success. Often times you'll activate it, which it'll either resolve and your opponent will do almost nothing and you'll be stuck with unusable boardbreakers, or it'll just get negated, and in a blind second power spell deck I feel like it's almost always better to have cards that do things on your turn
A few things on the extra deck, Kaina comes up A lot because the down arrow is really valuable in the deck to manipulate the fiendsmith cards, and it just being another striker name. There are a lot of times where I want to go into Hiyate-Kagari without cutting myself off a down arrow sky striker for later fiendsmith plays and Kaina solves that issue.
I play Unicorn because having a link 3 for accesscode is quite relevent because it makes access + engraver + lacrima burn lethal which is quite easy to set up, and unicorn happens to be the best link 3, if you wanna play a different you can, azela temp can come up for a way to link into a SS name in a pinch. Beatrice is probably the most cuttable card, it's there specically for instances where you need to get to engage, but you have 3 spells in grave/cammella has been used, comes up rarely, but enough for me to want it.
ID: 824-998-230
Looking for replays to add currently, probably will only be a few to start out with (why can't we have more spots Komani)