Plunder Patroll

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 15th, 2025
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 360
44 cards

Notes & Combos

Lab Plundersmith

The first thing to understand: Each archetype bridges into the other archetypes.

Plunder can bridge into Fiendsmith via Lys or Jord's token; Labrynth can bridge into Plunder or Fiendsmith via Ariane; And Fiendsmith can bridge into Plunder or Labrynth via Beatrice.

Next thing to understand: When each bridge is relevant.

I'll start with the most important one: Ariane pitching trap. This is the cornerstone play of the deck. Getting to Ariane through a Big Welcome is the path you ideally want to take. This occasionally will trigger her first effect to draw and summon any fiend, which can be the bridge into the other archetypes right there. Or it can draw into the trap needed as cost for her second effect. Whatever the case this is the strongest bridge in the deck due to both effects being usable, meaning you could draw a card, summon a Plunder from your hand and then still pitch a trap and summon Lurrie from the deck.

The next bridge is Lys or Jord's token into Fiendsmith. This bridge is mostly relevant in grindy games where you opened a lot of non-engine and use that non-engine to stop the opponent. You then find a way into summoning a light fiend, either through the "Beard" monsters summoning a Lys because the opponent summoned a light monster or by Synchro Summoning Jord and using the light token. The "Beards" could also just summon out a Jord if the opponent has earth monsters. The key is you would use the non-engine to stop the opponent and then create the Fiendsmith follow-up for yourself through the Plunder cards.

The last bridge here is Fiendsmith into Plunder or Lab through Beatrice. Typically not the bridge you begin with and more of an important endboard piece summoned when comboing to send a Rollback. However, in weak hands or grindy games, it becomes pretty handy to send Goldenhair, a Lab monster to reborn with Muckraker, or setting up a Rollback to copy a Welcome.

Jord's Token

From my thorough testing, the rule of thumb for giving the opponent a light token turn 1 has been: Yes, if you have Beatrice or the shuffler/Goat you would send with her. No, if you do not. The attribute you would call instead would be dark if you have a Plunder in your hand, or earth if you do not.

Final Thoughts

With all three engines complimenting each other so well it makes every game feel unique in the ways you navigate to the other archetypes. Plunder is again on another level!

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ID: 821-438-670

Did amazing with the deck. Tons of interesting duel replays to learn from available. Also feel free to reach out in the Plunder discord channel for any help.

Win-Loss: 31-18

Coin: 22-27