Notes & Combos
Link into the vrains is an option instead of the upstart goblin if youre choosing to blind second. in the case you want to go second you could replace the runicks with other breakers like slayer, raigeki, duster etc. the runick cards function as free musket triggers, the extra body that fiendsmith combos need without crimson tears or necroquip, and also just relly good quick play spells. this build wants to go first. endboard is desirea/caesar + rage + any 2 musket spell/traps. if you open broken you can make both desirae and caesar.
diabolica is an option to make combos more streamlined but i dont like it as it is a really bad brick.
dont need aerial eater but i like it because 1. it allows you do get to engraver if requiem is ashed 2. it allows you to get to musketeers from only fiendsmith cards.
deck is ok into maxx c/charmies cause you can just normal caspar/starfire and pass with some set runick spells or chain a runick and grab fountain if you have a hand full of runicks.
you probably dont need both doc and calamity i just like the musketeers :)