
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 12th, 2025
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 690
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Testing out the millennium engine for this list, thank you to 露米娅 for the idea.

Basic idea is the millennium either baits ash, or helps insulate your main combo against handtraps by making photon lord. Zombie vampire is in there as a way to maybe access madolche combo if we open only millenium.

Millenium is also extremely good at helping to break half-boards (something pure madolche often struggles with) and the monsters being earth gives a little bit of synergy with vernusylphs, though it's not a huge factor.

Unfortunately the millenium engine itself takes up non-engine space and needing to place a monster from hand with temple means it competes for resources with the vernusylphs. Leading with millenium also plays into droll.

Overall engine is fun, still not quite sure if it's actually good for us.

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