Ice Barrier

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 18th, 2025
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Ice Barrier 4.0

I got bored of playing Branded, so Im here to play my pet deck, ICE BARRIER !!!!

Four bricks to win them all, running prior and warlock for first turn Dragite, Aegirine, and Lancea. (and barrone if I have the perfect hand).

I first play with spellbreaker but its boring to play just stun barrier, so I switch to wombo combo barrier. Tho there are much better wombo combo barrier variant out there, but I like to have this in-archetype.

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MD ID: 640-184-265 for replays

You may also see replays of me playing Madolche, Branded, Dogmatika, Marincess, Naturia, and other Rouge/Jank decks.