
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Slight variation on Joshua Schmidt's Bystial Control deck. This deck is specifically geared to go second and make Fiendsmith/White Forest/Blue Eyes players rage as a win condition. The Bystials also play incredibly well into other contenders like Tear, Yubel, and Mathmech. Worst case scenario is drawing no bystials so they're all at three.

A few explanations on my variations:

  1. Less going first cards. Only three normal summons, five if you count hop ear. The gameplan is specifically to force a simplified game state by preventing opponent plays, and the more normal summons/lubellions/sekka's/etc. you draw, the less interruptions you have in hand going second.

  2. Retaliating C was pretty overhyped. It absolutely screws Azamina plays for sure, but it rarely came up outside of that. It's a great normal to search Maxx C, but in a lot of games it was a dead card in hand so I reduced it to 2. It's possible to cut it for something, but being a game ender against Azamina likely makes it worth it.

  3. Little Knight was absolutely the star of this deck, presenting extra interruptions and removal options for things that get through the handtraps. She's also queen of the grind game. I desperately wanted something other than Almiraj to proc SP banish, so Clara and Rushka make a comeback. In some situations I had already used almiraj and really wanted to convert a normal summon into an SP banish. Added bonus is that they can summon on top of any normal summon instead of just an under 1k attack monster.

  4. Draco Berserker replaces Black Rose because it's a dollar store accesscode as well as an additional interruption you can summon off of hop ear if you don't think Accel is going to resolve fully. If you get into a game state where you need Black Rose to resolve, it typically won't anyway considering how easily most decks access negates. I did not see many situations where the board state got so out of control I felt like I needed it over Zeus anyway.

  5. Like I said, the worst matchup by far is Tenpai, and I saw quite a few on the climb. It isn't impossible, considering how many interruptions we run that don't need the Bystials, but it absolutely can be a struggle and most of my losses came from them. I think to improve that matchup I'd probably cut the non-Light/Dark HTs and put in more of something like D.D. Crow or something goofy like Smoke Mosquito since we're making them go first anyway and it has added utility for Ptolemy or Gigantic Spright plays.

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