Notes & Combos
Disrupt the opponent with Shifter, Maxx C, Mourner, Lava Golem and the Kashtira cards. Since your deck has no real wincon with just the Kashtira cards, if your opponent isnt on 1-2 cards in hand its generally better to try to go into Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon.
Mourner, Trap Trick and Ring are at 1 & 2 because they are once per turn and drawing them in multiples generally feels bad. You still need Ring at 2 to have the option to place it with Trap Trick.
In extra, you only need Baronne, Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon, ZEUS, TY-PHON, Almiraj and S:P Little Knight, the Rest are for extreme edge cases and can be random or Fallen of Albaz Fusion monsters, if you decide to play Decisive Battle of Golgonda. I didn't spend the UR on it, but if you're rich or have the cards, the Fusion monsters i have in there have no use and can be the kashtira xyz's and one Big Eye.
- No Lord of the Heavenly Prison because i run too few traps to justify it.
- No Kashtira Birth, because its a brick and worse than Kashtiratheosis when your only goal is to make Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon.
- No Pots because they suck in this deck.
- No Boo-Boo Game, since only Tenpai/Blue-Eyes is running destruction and other decks are either negating or ignoring/dodging, making the potential dmg you're loosing pretty high.
- No Pressured Planet Wraithsoth, because it getting ashed is 100x worse than the Kashtiras getting ashed, also you give enemy a draw if they Maxx C, which is not the case with Fenrir/Unicorn as your first action.
- No Chain Strike, because i run too few Traps to reliably trigger it
- No Timelords because they clash with the Kashtira cards
- No Chain Energy because it reveals your strategy too fast and you want to stay healthy for Mahaama and Ring
- No Lvl 12 Synchro (Mahaama + Lvl 7) cuz it almost never comes up, also because the ones you can summon are effectively just beatsticks and lastly because its a waste of UR Dust
Kashtira Riseheart and Kashtiratheosis are bricks if you draw them and no other kashtira cards, Lava Golem is a brick if going first or playing vs Sky Striker, but its way too strong to pass up.
This deck is still bad compared to meta and you have to hope on your opponent to play into your cards (which most do, since nobody expects this deck but rather Dinomorphia or Lab). Not surrendering when the opponent has Lethal on board and playing mindgames with your Response Button (100% necessary, especially with Mahaama) is how you push this deck to steal enough wins to climb the levels. Enemies paying 4k for Millennium Cards is your biggest friend, White Forest Azamina is your biggest enemy.
ID: 481-234-015