
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2025
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 300
42 cards

Notes & Combos

With the advent of Monster Hunter Wilds and the continuation of this terrible Fiendsmith meta the only deck that could have drawn me back to this game is (of course) Blue-Eyes. Pure Blue Eyes plays like a combination of Centur-Ion and Voiceless Voice with its the low-to-the-ground, albeit consistant playstyle. Blue-Eyes does have a slightly higher ceiling provided that we opt to run a couple of bricks. Master, Jet, and Synchro Rumble provide a little bit more oomph in our turn one. Double Spirit Dragon pass is not really going to cut it in this meta. I am a believer of only running one BEWD. Rarely would a situation comes up where more than one is required. The other bricks can at least be used as extenders whereas the vanilla remains stuck in hand.

Yes, triple Spirit Dragon will come up in grind games, so craft the third one. Nobody expects Baronne somehow and is clutch for spot removal. If you know you are facing Tenpai, do not be greedy and save your Spirit Dragon on your opponents turn just for an extra disruption. I usually will opt to to sommon both Stardust Sefr and Ultimate Spirit on my turn instead. Ulimate Spirit prevents Called By on your handtraps and Sefr is especially good against to protect the field against board breakers.

Godspeed to those who are grinding the DC Cup. Instead, I will be grinding for an Arkveld gem lol.

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