
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2025
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I've been burnt out of ygo for a while (used to be a max rank grinder), but I did want to spread my enjoyment of Blue-Eyes and Buster Blader. I love the game and all the cool interactions you can do, but recently the meta has been so volatile to me, that it's a chore to play. There were a lot of misplays along the way, ex: one time I would've wiped out a full board Mikanko player, but I didn't realize the equip spell bounced the target after resolving and it broke my Buster Lock.

  • Full combo uninterrupted (assuming you open Sage/Maiden/Wishes and a discard) will net you: Stardust Sifr + Ultimate Spirit Dragon + Azure-Eyes w/ protection (or can just be 3rd Spirit Synchro) + Prologue (full Buster Lock) + True Light + Neo Ultimate in GY

Some notes from my experience while playing the deck:

  • Buster Lock does increase the amount of bricks you use, and sometimes it makes me want to go back to pure Blue-Eyes
  • "Synchro Rumble" is a nice card that get you that extension past like a hand trap or allows the 3rd synchro for end board, but also in the grind, I have drawn it and it does little to nothing, so that's a card to note having issues
  • The Extra Deck I both love and hate, because there's not enough space for toolboxes, but everything has come up at least once. Ex: I had a really mid hand, opponent was doing interactions, but I suspected they were on Tenpai, so I knew that going into Protector Whelp, Special Summoning the Buster Blader in my hand after sending "Destruction Sword Memories," and then linking off both into S:P Little Knight would be good enough to give them a hard time, duel went to turn 4 basically and I won off that.
  • Only thing I would consider really taking out of the Extra Deck is most likely "Black Rose Moonlight Dragon," but on the very off chance I have only access to "Buster Blader, the Dragon Destroyer Swordsman" and I can make Blue-Eyes Spirit with a tuner leftover in the grind game, then I just use Moonlight to bounce a card and then synchro into "Buster Dragon"
  • It was really hard for me to decide when to use Memories effect to fuse, because in the Tenpai match-up (basically 90% of my duels annoyingly) I would have to guess if they had a Shark Cannon that they were holding in hand or something like Droplets saved (believe it or not Sifr + Ultimate Spirit weren't enough to burn that sometimes), but typically I tried to save it for when they were about to declare end of M1 or Battle Phase if they don't set up Transcendent
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