Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2025
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 720
50 cards

Notes & Combos

This was miserable. The Bystials really round out the interaction in the deck and help with getting your pieces back, but the deck itself is NOT equipped to play through most end boards. There's not a lot of room for breakers and maxx C is typically Rabbit pass.

Though, there is a lot of good here. X-Cross Cannon is absolutely broken. It is the best starter in the deck and it isn't even close. Through X alone, you are able to set up Rabbit, Regulus, Inifinity, Grphyon and 1-2 of the fusions. As for the extra deck, we took out Zeus for Security dragon simply because sometimes you want to just make Gyphon under the EMZ and leave it at that. Sometimes it's just enough and there is a severe lack of light link 2s. Other options are LANphorhnchus and Hip Hoshiningen but their link arrows don't help much.

The Fiendsmith verison of this deck is technically better simply because of the existance of the fiendsmith cards but in the pure varient, you can play the bystials and an extra A core, which comes up often. Putting this on Infinity or regulus or holding a Unauthorized Reactivation with one in the deck is useful for getting around some interaction. The effect to add back from the GY comes up a lot too, you'll often times end with and recycle the same Toque Tune Gear 2 or 3 times in a turn and then add it back for a discard.

But, I think this verison going into Nova instead of Desirae is a little less difficult. When I ran it with Fiendsmith, I did not play Beatrice or Lacrima because of deckspace either. I just think this version is more consistent.

Difficulties: Maxx C - Your turn will be cut short with maxx C. We have 13 types of hand traps in a 50 card deck to help us even if we get cut short. Rabbit pass is basically bagooska pass.

Starters - You need to see X to get to Hyper Dragon and the only way to get to X if you didn't open it is Union Activation. This deck has choke points and you only have 3 ways to special from the hand.

Backrow - Labrynth is a bad matchup. You don't outright lose to D-barrier, but you do lose to Daruma if you don't get Y or Z on the field. Unauthorized Reactivation gets you around a lot, but it is still very difficult to play around.

Droll - If you do not open your starter, you do not get to play the game. You get 1 activation of anything. Luckily, nothing needs to add to perform any of its effects and union driver is capable of getting pieces out of the deck.

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