Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 22nd, 2025
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 810
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Who doesn't love a good Alphabet soup!? Konami apparently, cause this run was rough. I won the coin flip about 75%. Bricked hands about 20%. The biggest problem by far was Maxx C. I drew the out so infrequently I began to question if I even was playing them. Not fun. The combo for the deck is really long and fragile. A lot of choke points with Gadget and Controller. Reactivation can equip A or C from the deck to insulate the distruption. I wasn't playing the Infinity package at first, added it later to thin out the non and soft garnets. I believe it helped. The deck is kinda in a weired place. It has 6 rota's and 9 1card starters, but still loses to basic stuff. Fiendsmith helps the final endboard tremendously. It baits imperm/veiler on the sequence without committing, plus its negates and Engraver can help break boards going 2nd. I want to say the deck needs more support but it kinda has everything. Cards like Driver, Pilot, and Torque can work around Hanger and Reactivation. Idk what you would give it other than a link that does what Gadget does plus maybe can count itself as a piece name for your contact fusion?? Or when it's destroyed you can summon a union from anywhere?? Barbaros is funny and satisfying to resolve but can easily be cut. Overall I think this is a strong and fun event deck but isn't consistent enough to play through a hand trap meta. Extremely happy I made max with it. F=ck Maxx C.

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ID: 740-451-082. CC: 2622c30a. Here's a fun game for you. It's called spot the misplay 😅.

1st vs Tenpai

2nd vs Tear

1st vs Lab Maxx C

1st vs Burn Resolved Barbaros

1st vs WF/AZ/FS Barbaros miss timing