
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 20th, 2024 • 1 comment
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 300
43 cards

Notes & Combos

came back to MD after a long break, and first deck on the list was zoodiac which had a lot of support this year. Running blind second with kashtira largely because of format; pure blind second with more HTs, breakers, etc. is fine but this format some stuff feels a bit more immune to non engine, so thought id include Kash to make my deck more stubborn.

HT choice is fairly standard, wish we could get purge, it would help a ton. Playing duster and storm for backrow decks, but also normal decks when you HT them and they set some, gives u free wins, tho I've cut LS as i felt like that was too many breakers. Instead, I put in Kash cards, which are like "semi engine"; you can open 5 HTs unicorn and win games, they break boards, but also give you a foothold, resources, and removal. Pank is kind of the same, being more removal than a grind card, but 2 is enough with kash cards, else 3 off imo. Make baronne with them and its the same as opening a zoo almost. Wish they could free unicorn I'd play 3, such a good engine. This deck is staples good stuff, so change up line up of HTs/breakers/tech engines as needed; deck performs best as a handtrap deck however, and specifically where quick eff removals and nibiru aren't too popular.

As for engine, I see everyone else play higher counts. If I don't see a zoo, but see a kash or pank, I can still play comfortably; can't say the same if i see too many names and no non engine. blind second deck biggest weakness is rng, so i diversified my "engine". only 6 normal summons, terrortop, barrage, 7s, too many pushes this way which is important, and minimised conflict. You will see this in replays.

To touch on extra deck: baronne, as explained earlier, helps give u a strong foothold combined with 7s, especially with unicorn it can be devastating. Zoo ratios are bare minimum, do not cut the tigermortar for boarbow or at all, it will come back to bite you, unless you're playing the armored version then fair enough. Megaclops stole me so many wins that UDF couldn't have, udf is better going first, but clops is format dependant also, and s:p is a huge boost to it — carries in the replays. I see some ppl cutting vesp — don't! without armored engine u need a way to close games quick, also handy at stalling or clops combo. typhon doesn't come up a lot, but when it does it wins me the game on the spot. S:P is the goat, best support, DO NOT CUT!

ED considerations: full armor utopic lancer, extra boarbow, rank 3, dracossack, udf

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MD ID: 900-152-148

Watch the 2 latest replays to see what the deck can do in different situations;

Vs Filioser (Floo) - grindy game ft. clops

Vs CHN name (math) - quick game showing the deck exhausting all its pushes to win

Note: rank 3s id consider are fortune tune, maybe gossip shadow.

PS: Will be cooking with armor variant for master climb

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3 months ago

Also quick shout out to makaveli, his decklist gave me the idea to add kashtira when pure wasn't working that well.