Pendulum Magician

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 240
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This Deck can Summon almost the entire Extra Deck if uninterrupet, keep that in mind for when you enter the Grind Stage of the Duel.


This Deck ends (or rather, should end) on 2 Floodgates (Secret Village of the Spellcasters and Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon), 2 Omni-Negates (Baronne de Fleur and Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon), I:P Masquerena, S:P Little Knight (if you want to Summon her on your own Turn) and Exceed the Pendulum.

Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon is here to specifically counter Tenpai.


We do 2 Pendulum Summons on the same turn by Summoning Supreme King Z-ARC - Synchro Universe with Supreme King Gate Zero.


Try your best to get 2 Pendulum Monsters onto the field to not use up your Pendulum Summon until you've got your Heavymetalfoes Electrumite onto the Field.


From here you gotta decide: Do you wanna summon Baronne de Fleur right after your 1st Pendulum Summon or after your 2nd Pendulum Summon.


If you want to Summon Baronne de Fleur early then you pop Supreme King Gate Zero with your Heavymetalfoes Electrumite. This way you search for another copy of Supreme King Gate Zero with Astrograph Sorcerer to get 2 of them into rotation (it is important to get two Supreme King Gate Zero into rotation, so you can perform your second pendulum summon). With this Beyond the Pendulum will search for Harmonizing Magician so we can Summon Oafdragon Magician from our Deck with it (after we Pendulum Summon it from our Hand) and Synchro Summon Baronne de Fleur with both.


If you don't mind summoning Baronne de Fleur later (e.g. when your Opponent has no more disruptions) then you use Heavymetalfoes Electrumite to pop Double Iris Magician and search for Star Pendulumgraph and another Double Iris Magician. Beyond the Pendulum will then search for the second copy of Supreme King Gate Zero. Star Pendulumgraph will later search for Harmonizing Magician so we can Summon Oafdragon Magician from our Deck with it (after we Pendulum Summon it from our Hand) and Synchro Summon Baronne de Fleur with both.


You can search for Secret Village of the Spellcasters using Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer, Summoning Majesty Pegasus, the Dracoslayer who, on Summon, searches Secret Village of the Spellcasters. Keep in mind that you've got to discard another Card if you want to keep Secret Village of the Spellcasters.


Exceed the Pendulum will keep Secret Village of the Spellcasters effect active at the beginning of your Opponents Turn, so it is vital she stays on the Field, until you Summon the 2nd Monster that is still in your Graveyard from XYZ Summoning Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon on your turn and Fusion Summoning with it. After you've gotten a 2nd Spellcaster on the field you can use I:P Masquerena to go into either S:P Little Knight utalizing the newly Summoned Monster (if you haven't already Summoned S:P Little Knight on your Turn that is), or Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess with Exceed the Pendulum.


Timestar Magician searches for Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver so we can Fusion Summon Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon using Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon and a Pendulum Monster in your Hand (except Harmonizing Magician) and use the Effect of Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon to Summon Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon who then Summons Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver for another body to Link Summon with.


DO NOT set your Time Pendulumgraph early or you may run out of space in you Spell / Trap Zones.


I never Summoned Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir, not even against Maxx "C" because the Floodgates are usually enough and Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir can easily be destroyed by Tenpai with Raigeki. I would recommend swapping him out for Despian Luluwalilith or Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon.

Despian Luluwalilith lets you Synchro Summon using Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer and keep a Pendulum Monster on the Field, in case you need it.

Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon lets you Synchro Summon with a Level 4 Monster for a Monster Negate.

I personally would go with Despian Luluwalilith, because I prefer to Synchro Summoning with Ignister Prominence, the Blasting Dracoslayer but I don't own her yet and I think the option to Summon Number 41: Bagooska the Terribly Tired Tapir if needed is better than the option to Synchro Summon Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. There are times when you actually need that Level 4 Pendulum Monster for other (better) plays.

Infinite Impermanence and Maxx "C" are used as targets for Crossout Designator, you can run 2 if you want to.


Felxible Options:


You can play the Z-Arc Package instead of Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon:

Targets to swap out:

The Supreme King Z-ARC package is just another way to play through Maxx "C".


Additional Note:

Don't be shy to go into Exceed the Pendulum before you Summon Beyond the Pendulum in order to get your 2nd Pendulum Summon.


Supreme King Gate Zero pop target is usually the Supreme King Gate Zero in your Pendulum Zone and it then sets itself again, but adjust as you need.


The Timer with this Deck is a huge issue, leading to many Missplays, because of how many options you have.

Seemingly innocent things can be a missplay, like Pendulum Summoning for 4 instead of 3 or even 2, filling up your Monster Zones too much (sometimes you do want to Pendulum Summon for 4. It can be confusing, so practice).

They ain't the end of the World, but the endboard is not as optimal if you happen to missplay (obviously).

You can see me do that in my Replays.

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For Replays: 336-801-229

Don't mind the Rank, I haven't been very active in MD recently.


About the Replays (See Tags):

"Grindy Win":

Taking the Maxx "C" Challenge. Turn 3 Follow up, after using all Link Summons. I missplayed here during Turn 1, which lead to me having to Summon I:P Masquerena early to free up Monster Zones.



Showcasing the (almost) Full Comnbo.

I missplayed here by getting Harmonizing Magician into my Hand, instead of a Astrograph Sorcerer to search another Double Iris Magician after popping it with Baronne de Fleur. Usually you can place a high Pendulum Scale in your Pendulum Zone after you Summon Performapal Odd-Eyes Dissolver with Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon that way.


"Combo" & "Recreation":

Same mistake here actually...


"Unexpected" & "Combo":

Early Pendulum Summon, leading to me going into Exceed the Pendulum before Summoning Beyond the Pendulum to get a 2nd Pendulum Summon.

I "forgot" (my timer was running low) to Destroy Double Iris Magician and grab Time Pendulumgraph, which would have ended this Duel before Tenpai entered the Battle Phase.


I Forgot to save a Replay where I'm going 2nd (I've been Going 1st more often than usual because Tenpai tends to choose to Go 2nd).