Notes & Combos
Nouvelles can't keep getting away from the event banlist sooner or later.
2 Baronne de Fleur might be too much since you can recycle it with the field spell. Replace 1 of the Baronne with any extra deck monster you prefer.

Ah yes, i forgot the clear the previous "Notes & Combo" before submitting this deck since i edited the deck from the previous event to adjust for the new event. Maybe i shouldn't be lazy next time and just download the YDK and import it into the MDM as a new deck instead of editing the existing deck. So i will just do the note here.
I decided to go for the Fusion route ("Concours de Cuisine" + "Patissciel Couverture) instead of Synchro route because i love how "Concours de Cuisine" can block your opponent from using Gamma and Imperm due to Patissciel being summoned onto their field and also with Patissciel in ATK Position, i can also use her as a tribute fodder for my Nouvelles monster as well which is great alongside with Poissonniere triggered on summon to search.
Without the good Extra Deck monster like Dyna Mondo or I:P Masquerena, i mostly had to rely on opening or drawing All-Out Attacks in my hand and use it to force every special summoned monster into ATK Position to make it easier for me to tribute their monster with my Nouvelles monster which is also the reason why i play Foie Glasya for additional non-targetting tribute if needed.
Since Nouvelles really love to see any monster being targetted, i also play "Staff Recipe" and 3 copies of Infinite Impermanence for more targetting potential because i love target and target and target until all of my opponents monster is tributed.

"Chef's Secret Recipe which is the in-archetype Omni-negate for the deck is pretty much there to negate any problematic card. It can negate the activation of Spell/Trap card and monster effect (but it cannot negate the Continuous Spell/Trap card effect once they already on the field)
And for the Extra Deck, the only card you needed is 3 "Patissciel Couverture" and that's it. The reason why i put a bunch of UR fusion monster into the Extra Deck because i always love to flex on how much unique Fusion monster i owned. A very fine display of my collection

So the main goal i'm aiming with this deck is to take advantage of "All-Out Attacks" to force my opponent's monster to ATK Position and use my lesser Nouvelles monster to disrupt their play by tributing their monster with Nouvelles monster like Poeltis or Foie Glasya (with the help of "Staff Recipe" or any targetting effect to trigger the Nouvelles monster") before committing to "Baelgrill" play which will wipe every monsters on their field plus negate every face-up cards on your opponent's field which followed up with your opponent scooping afterward.
If they still resist with no monster on their field and they pass the turn to you, try to recycle the Baelgrill into the deck or hand to use it again especially if you couldn't lethal your opponent which will happens often since we couldn't play Accesscode Talker to make it easier to lethal. The field spell can help recycling the Baelgrill by shuffling him alongside with Recipe card back into the deck during the end phase or using Foie Glasya to shuffle it alongside with 2 other cards of your choosing.
If you don't open or draw "All-Out Attacks", you gonna have to rely on their Normal Summon to summon Baelgrill to wipe out every monsters on their field or pray that your opponent is clueless enough to summon their monster in ATK Position which is something that just happened to me on my fifth winstreak (which is Blackwing)
Blackwing normal summon quite a lot (while also triggering their Black Whirlwind to search), so this deck might have a better chance against them as compared to Resonator which they can easily play around the Nouvelles monsters by summoning all of the Resonator or Bone Archfiend or their Synchro monster in DEF Position unless you have "All-Out Attack" face-up on the field.

And also there's no Grapha engine in this deck. I don't know why they put that Grapha engine icon on my deck. Is it because i play a single copy of Grapha in my Extra Deck? I don't know. All i know is that the Grapha is in my Extra Deck because i decided that he's worthy to be a part of my Fusion monster flex collection.