Mecha Phantom Beast

Diamond V from on June 28th, 2022
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 330
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Mecha phantom beast need few card in hand if you want to do a lot of combo. I already heard a lot of cool combo such as hand destruction combo, turn 1 baron & savage, turn 1 VFD etc. The required card is just deskbot 003 or foolish burial ( for foolish burial you also need megaraptor to search other machine) Aight, here's the gameplan : If you got deskbot 003 : summon 003 and special summon 001 from deck then link into halq > halq summon jet synchron then link into auroradon > auroradon summon 3 tokens and call 001 from GY then link into concoruda ( the level 7 synchro) > auroradon summon coltwing from deck by tributing 1 token and himself > coltwing summon 2 token and call 001 from GY > synchro into balmung with 1 token and 001 > use coltwing and concoruda to xyz into dracossack > dracossack throw coltwing from his material to summon 2 tokens and call 001 again > 001 synchro into riser > dracossack tribute 1 token to destroy balmung and summon coltwing from GY > coltwing summon 2 tokens and call 001 from GY again > riser synchro into baronnes > synchro into borreload savage with coltwing and 001 then target auroradon in GY > use jet synchron's effect to summon him from GY and synchro into herald of arc light. ( if you have nemeses corridor you can fusion into thunder dragon colossus by targeting jet synchron in banished zone ) If you only got megaraptor and foolish burial : dump o lion > summon raptor and search tether > summon into tanks ----------------------------------