
Diamond I from on May 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Shoutout to the Mathmech channel especially Latio and a few others as they have been a huge help to me. Playing Mathmech in tear 0 format is like playing a card game version of dark souls, very very challenging. In the end, I still preferred the devotee-disciple line over Almiraj, it is much safer imo to end on wickid+ I:p+ linguriboh instead of relying on heatsoul or maybe 1 more mosnter and set then pass. Eccentrick is one of the best additions to my deck, it has clutched me a couple of games against tears and stun decks. It being searchable with small world makes it an important tech card to clear back row.


707-995-515 I'm not a very good pilot but feel free to watch them if interested