
Attribute 4 from on April 22nd, 2023 • 5 comments
cp-ur 360 + cp-sr 540
5 UR Craft Required 2 UR SD/Bundle/PVE
41 cards

Notes & Combos

I tried to compensate for the loss of Block Dragon and the Roses. Surprisingly won a couple of games. Deck was constantly changing but I decided on this one for slight consistency boost. FTK method is still viable but a bit tricky. Beating down the opponent is viable as well. I won 7/8 games with the deck including a 6-game win streak

Notable replacements I suggest are replacing Double Summon, Kurikara, and Monster Reborn. Synchro cards may be viable but I have not experimented on it yet.

Getting a Black Garden on your first hand can settle the game or drawing into Terraforming. I like to try and bait an Ash Blossom with Terraforming even though I have Black Garden on my hand already.

Do your usual combo from getting a rock monster on the field to summon researcher to find another summonable monster. If that doesn't work, only then you use seeker since he may take up a monster zone you may need for your core fusion summons. Summoning Zirconia is a factor with Block Dragon but with it banned, I usually summon him to try and beatdown the oponnent or get a normal monster from the GY via Obsidian from the hand.

Lady Rose Diamond is a good summon for Quartz to be able to add any Gem-Knight monster to your hand depending on what you need. Here, I prefer adding Obsidian to the hand.

Phantom Quartz is what makes the deck lethal since you can grab any fusion spell if under the conditions where the opponent has a monster on the field (from either going second or via Black Garden). This is where you want to summon Brilliant Diamond with Quartz's effect. Remember to send Lady Lazuli with Brilliant's effect and be sure you've used it. Always remember how many Gem-Knight cards are in your GY before using Phantom Quartz effect!

Master Diamond should be summonable with Gem-Knight Fusion or Brilliant Fusion. Always send a Lady Lazuli with the first Master Diamond if you need to make another one.

Main weakness with the deck is being Ashes or Impermed, thata why you can replace the cards mentioned earlier for Designator.

If it comes to beating down the opponent, Prismaura is a nice card to remove a monster from the field if they can be targeted without negation. If short on damage, you can always finish the opponent in Main Phase 2 by fusion summoning a Lapis Lazuli if you haven't done so.

I don't have any more spare craft points hence only one Maxx-C and Ash. Feel free to comment suggestions.

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Not the best replays saved since I forgot to save the rest but it is what it is. This is a new account as well since I wanted to try the Gem-Knight archetype.

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2 years ago

Amazing ! Why dont u play Vernusylph in that ?

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2 years ago

I think that would be a better and nice blend, but being F2P limits my craft points so it was hard filling in the other spots. Ill try pulling on the new packs and experiment on it.

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2 years ago

Update: added more replays

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2 years ago

Would you say this deck would prefer to Go second because of the beatdown capabilitys and the inconsistensy of the ftk?

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2 years ago

I would say so since you can get Kurikara out which I did vs. Marincess. But the deck can go either turn and still be okay.