
Attribute 4 from on April 23rd, 2023 • 2 comments
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First time playing Amazoness.

To start things off, I tried to build EX's deck [] to see how things would go with a going second build. [basically what you see here besides some minor changes]

I am guessing that the TTT were pretty clutch, as even when I was close, I was never able to close things out in a single turn nor really put my opponent on too low of resources to come back.

Not sure if that's since I'm in Diamond 1, so I was playing against other Plat/Diamond decks, my inexperience with the deck, or maybe just my luck/hands. The closest I got to an OTK going second was against Prank when they were at 10000 and I got them down to 2700.. however, they were able to come back with their cycling abilities.

Should also not have put in Hot Spring given how slow it is, however, I was just trying things out/messing around.

After this version, I was trying a less beat them now sort of build and it seems.. alright. I like the chain process with Princess -> Call -> War Chief. That's neat, however, I found it a bit hard to get out Augusta. Most of the time, my opponent was able to deal with Empress and whatever else I had on the snapback.

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2 years ago

Here are some stats from the 20 games I've played [as mentioned, I did change the deck up., so all 20 games weren't played with this build]:

Decks faced:

VW - 4

Marincess - 3

Phantasm Spiral - 2

Umi Control - 1

Rikka - 1

Prank - 1

Infernoid - 1

Madolche - 1

Trains - 1

True Draco - 1

Salamangreat - 1

Machina - 1

Floo - 1

Traptrix/Vern - 1


Overall Stats:

Wins: 10-10

Flips: 6-14

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2 years ago

Hey, I have been playing your decklist quite a bit in the event and after even in ladder (long pause so I'm low enough not to get blasted by tiers 0): it is really fun and refreshing so first of all thank you! Brings back memories from an amazon deck I played years ago.

It's actually fun that a deck with absolutely no disruption during opp turn (except if they accept to attack you) can actually hold still and kinda grind with a good flow. The deck is obviously weak but it's a good choice if you want to have fun against other weak decks.

I wanted to react to your sentence "I like the chain process with Princess -> Call -> War Chief. That's neat, however, I found it a bit hard to get out Augusta." I personnally look for the following play (when playing first):

  • Endboard turn 1: Princess + Hot Spring + Secret Arts + (optional but really strong) Village (War Chief is often here aswell but not really important)
  • Turn 2 (opponent playing): Hot Spring look for Spiritualist, Secret Art (Princess + Spiritualist) for Empress whenever your cards are threatened, otherwise at the end turn. Summoning Empress in reaction to a S/T removal will protect your Village/Hot Spring, which is kinda neat since if he destroys Empress under Village you get to summon two Amazoness. It's actually tricky for him to remove everything if you play at the right timing.
  • Turn 3 (you again): Spiritualist from GY bounce Hot Spring for a Poly. Banish Secret Arts. Poly (Spiritualist + second Empress from extra deck) for AUGUSTA. Then with the Augusta extra summon you can do a lot of additional things depending on your setup. And you can set again the hot spring, which loop indefinitely with spiritualist.

This way you get Augusta for litteraly free, no matter how much he destroyed of your board. If your are lucky and Empress is still alive or if you manage to resummon another one, you get the neat WALL COMBO AUGUSTA/EMPRESS

Pretty simple but more effective than anything I tried with the deck so far. I get Augusta 80% of the games, this way or another, and she rocks!

NB: I cut the two spies for two imperm, they are fun but kinda irrelevant