Do you like solving your problems by punching them REALLY hard? If so, then Ancient Gear is the perfect Deck for you! This Deck embodies the OTK game plan, as almost all of your games against strong opponents will be decided by how alive your opponent is by the end of turn 2.
The latest support has changed how the Deck looks by a lot: it is now comparable to Tenpai Dragon in terms of 1-card combos, preventing your opponent from interacting with your cards, and non-engine space.
Core Engine
This card has a special place in the Deck: it is not part of the engine, as it is not directly a combo piece. However, it is searchable, prevents your opponent from responding to any of your Ancient Gear effects, and makes all of your Ancient Gear monsters unable to be targeted or destroyed by your opponent the turn they are Summoned. As long as this card is on field, your combos will go through smoothly.
These are the cards you want in your hand. Uninterrupted, these cards are 1-card combos.
Urgent Schedule
Schedule Summons 2
Ancient Gears from your Deck for free, letting you immediately Link into
. This combo is the strongest if it resolves, as it also nets you an extra search. That being said,
Schedule itself is not protected by
, so it is more likely than the other starters to get interrupted.
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Wyvern's search effect on Normal or Special Summon previously lacked any targets letting it be a 1-card combo. However, it becomes extremely potent with its two new prime search targets:
Ancient Gear Frame
Frame also has a 1-card combo, however it takes an extra discard and makes a weaker board. While it can come in handy as an additional way to search
if you get interrupted during some combos, that utility is greatly diminished by the
Overload package that will be explained later on. It also has the downside of being a Normal Summon competing with
Ancient Gear Advance
Advance lets you add any Ancient Gear Spell/Trap, on the condition that you do not set any cards that turn. You want to search
, but it can also add
instead if you already have
Wyvern or
Statue in hand, to insulate your plays.
Advance can also Tribute 1 monster to draw a card and being able to Normal Summon Level 5 or higher Ancient Gears without Tributing. Useful to remove Loading...
on your field to enable Catapult, but not much else.
Ancient Gear Statue
Statue is everything the Deck needs, mostly as an easily searchable, easily Special Summonable monster. On top of that, its Summon from Deck effect lets it start your plays or extend them even more! Both
are great targets.
Ironically, this is the weakest combo out of the 4 main starters, since it is only useable once per turn, and the other combos make use of Statue as well. Still, this line only loses on the opportunity to make a Rank 4, and is just as good as the others for every other purpose.
All of these starters work fairly well if you open them together: attempting to use one of the starters doesn't hinder your ability to try with another one. I recommend trying to activate them in the following order if you start with multiple: Advance → Statue → Schedule → Wyvern/Frame.
Here are the core Extra Deck cards you will use as part of your Ancient Gear combos.